What's On?

We have a wide range of regular weekly and monthly activities and special events that take place at the hall.

Regular Activities:

The Hall is the venue for many weekly and monthly activities ranging from the Toddlers Playgroup,Raibows, Brownies and Guides, through Gardening, WI and other clubs and committees - and not forgetting our popular Farmers' Markets!

Monthly Events and "Specials" - see Weekly Activities above for Regulars

GGC Logo

Grimsargh Gardening Club - 7.30pm

Wednesday 07 August 2024

WI Logo

Women's Institute, 7.30pm

Wednesday 14 August 2024

GGC Logo

Grimsargh Gardening Club - 7.30pm

Wednesday 04 September 2024

Parish Council Logo

Parish Council Meeting - 7.30pm

Thursday 05 September 2024

WI Logo

Women's Institute, 7.30pm

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Farmers Market Banner Compressed for Website

Farmer's Market - 9am-1pm

Saturday 21 September 2024

GGC Logo

Grimsargh Gardening Club - 7.30pm

Wednesday 02 October 2024

Parish Council Logo

Parish Council Meeting - 7.30pm

Thursday 03 October 2024

WI Logo

Women's Institute, 7.30pm

Wednesday 09 October 2024

Farmers Market Banner Compressed for Website

Farmer's Market - 9am-1pm

Saturday 19 October 2024