No Price Increases Here!

No Price Increases Oct 22

We all know how prices of everything seem to be going up alarmingly. The Committee recently had our AGM and discussed our situation, the rising costs and our options. We are in a financially reasonably robust position. This is due largely to our own hard efforts and good management, but has also been aided by generous grants from both Grimsargh Parish Council and Lancashire Environmental Fund, enabling us to install our solar array, roof insulation and energy efficient heat pump in the kitchen.

So, we want to "do our bit" and give back to our community in these difficult times and have therefore agreed that, even though we haven't put our prices up for some time, we guarantee not to increase ANY of our charges until the end of December 2023 - so effectively not before 2024.

So that includes:

  • Our hire charges for all users - regular classes, conferences, events, childrens parties - all of them
  • Our bar prices - which are already always noted for being very low
  • Our Farmers' Markets stalls charges
  • Our cafe prices at the Farmers' Markets

That's EVERYTHING that we charge for. NOTHING will increase before 2024 - at least.

So for anyone thinking they cant afford a party, a wedding a meeting or anything else that our hall is reall ideally suited for - think again. We will guarantee you that for any event booked from now until the end of 2023 our charges will not increase.

A little bit of happy news in this current climate......