Stallholders Information

 If you are interested in having a stall at our Farmers' Markets, this page is for you!


The markets are run by volunteers, as a way of raising funds for the Village Hall and we fit the activities around busy lives.

Please be aware of our rough calendar during the month – from the date of the last market:

  • Week one – reviewing last market
  • Weeks two and three – selecting and confirming stalls for the next market
  • Week four – marketing and preparation for the coming market.

We get most stalls enquiries in weeks one and four – BUT they will not be dealt with during these weeks – but during weeks two and three. 

How we Select our Stalls

As the name suggests, our "Farmers' Market" is primarily about locally produced food. However, we do supplement these stalls with a variety of handmade, locally produced crafts and other items of interest. We do not take re-sellers. Our aim is to have a balance of approximately two thirds food, one third crafts.

We do try not to have much duplication with our stalls, so if your some of your produce is very similar to one of our regulars, we may ask you to miss out those lines, or instead you will be offered a place on a waiting list. You can see some of our Regular Stalls Here.

We are always looking for new, different and interesting food stalls. 

NOTE - we are currently FULL for dog food/treats and pies.

If you are still interested, then please email with ALL of following information:

  • Your business name
  • Your name and phone number
  • What your produce is - the more detail, the better
  • A link to your Facebook page and/or Instagram account, if you have one (and we strongly recommend you do)

Our email address is:, which goes to James, our markets stall co-ordinator will reply.

Fees and Payment Terms

Our stalls fees are:

Large 6’ table  £20.00
2 Large 6’ tables £30.00
Small 3’ table £10.00
Large 6' table, plus small 3' table £25.00
Outside £15.00


We operate a system of “up front” payments for stalls. Any new stall must pay by BACS before their first market - we will send you the account details with confirmation of your booking.

If a stall holder does not give us 10 days’ notice of not attending a market, they will forfeit that month’s stall fee. If 10 days’ notice is given, the fee paid is carried over to the following market.

We do this because our experience has shown us that we will otherwise end up with empty stalls on the day, which isn't good for visitors and is really damaging to the reputation of the market. PLUS YOURSELVES!